18 ene 2011

Success - CP red on white swirls

  Hooray for me!! I did it!! I made a successful batch of CP soap including swirls and all. It turned out beautiful and will be ready by St. Valentine's day...so perfect timing!!

I scented it with ylang ylang and roses, red part is vainilla. So it's a girly girly bar of soap, really sweet and flowery :)

I've also created a shopping cart on my Facebook page!! I've been busy :) So you can go have a look at what is available for purchase. These are the four sizes I'm currently offering, small 1.5 oz, medium 2 oz, large 4 oz and extra-large 5 oz.

I've also made more HP soap: coffee soap, beer soap and ginger cinnamon. For some reason my soap this year is colored grey or beige...which I'm perfectly fine with...but I do feel like I need some color in my life, so I'll go ahead and order some micas from TKB Trading. A colleague uses them in her makeup line and is really happy with both the quality and the service. So I'm confident about the product, plus all the talk on forums about the company makes me feel good about working with them.

On my curing rack I have mango/peach (CP), another batch of beer soap (CP), lemongrass rosemary castile(HP) and spotted castile (HP). I'm running out of space, but I have the soaping fever, so I'll be making some coconut soap today.

Starting next week, I hope I can begin with the 300 project. I need to refill my coconut oil and olive oil (again) I'm running short on both of them, plus I need the beeswax and cocoa butter to start making the lip balms and perfumes - packaging not here yet, but I'm sure it's coming this week.

A lot on my plate, but extremely happy :)
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